All kinds of people suffer from sexual addictions. Put simply, people with sex addictions engage in compulsive sexual behaviour that creates serious problems for them. Usually they don’t want to be doing what they’re doing. Often they were abused as children and/ or grew up in families where there were other addictions. Usually their addictions are founded in emotional needs unrelated to sexual ones.
I create a safe space for you to discuss your situation with me. There is no judgment.
I listen to your story and help you stop doing what you’re doing. We will collaborate to customize a recovery that will work for you—if you work your recovery.
A deep recovery usually involves four basic efforts: I) meaningful discussion about oneself and one’s sexual history with at least one other person II) the use of basic practices to ground the body when sexual desires occur, III) the establishment of healthy structures and routines, and IV), through these efforts, the maintenance of the will to maintain healthy sexual behaviours.
With these efforts in mind, I help sex addiction clients to:
I often refer clients to (free) local 12-Step groups such as SA (Sexaholics Anonymous) and SAA (Sex Addicts Anonymous). There is no requirement or obligation to attend these groups.
I have done training workshops on sexual addiction with Robert Weiss, the founding Director of SRI (Sexual Recovery Institute, Los Angeles CA); and with Dr. Gabor Mate, a world-renowned expert on addiction